I was asked “How do you find all these beautiful places to visit?”. My immediate answer was I put stars on the map! I didn’t even think about it, it was a natural thing I did and it had not occurred to me that others may not think about doing that, If I read a story or a friend tells me about an interesting place to see or camp, I make a note and as soon as possible, I look it up on Google Maps and put a star on it or a flag for campgrounds. Recently when I was planning my days drive to the next destination, I saw a star. it was only a slight detour and still on the way. It was a campground that I had not noticed when searching for a place to stay on my camping app. Turns out it is a beautiful quite campground on a lake with snow capped mountains in the distance. I was able to get a drive up site with full hookups and booked a week.