Here are the last of the Colorado fall colors and photos I took near Ridgway, Colorado before starting my trip back east across the USA. The first ten photos were shot in the same meadow shown in the first photo below. It was hard to pick favorites so you will see two near identical photos of some subjects with different looks.

These photos were shot in other locations near Ridgway, Colorado

This sheep barn was on the tail end of the “Last Dollar” National Forest 4WD Access Road going into Telluride. I didn’t think it was interesting enough to include in the last post but had to share it here. It poses an interesting question, Sheepmen build the???

This graveyard outside Ridgway, CO captured my attention with its small church like office, flagpole, and tool shed with a cross on it.

Here’s a related video of my time spent in the Ridgway and Ouray area.
Love the Fall colors. Glad you captured and shared it with us.