I took a drive south from Wall, SD where I was staying to spend the day in the Badlands National Park.

I saw this bison walking down the road but he was some distance away so I was not concerned. In my haste to get out of the car, I left the driver side door open and the keys in the car. I spent more time taking photos than I thought and when I turned around, the bison was approaching the car. He stopped right by the drivers door to scratch himself on a post. I was standing on a point and if he came my way, I would have been trapped! I started walking toward the car keeping as far away as possible until I had circled around to the passenger side only to find the doors all locked and the keys in the ignition. I had a little bit of a panic trying to figure out what to do. I slowly walked around the car seeing the bison wasn’t paying me any attention. When he finally turned to look at me, I was right by the door, I hopped in and shut the door, started up and took off! I could see in my mind him charging and crashing in the side of the car. Dumbest thing I’ve ever done.