Upon arriving at Valley of Fire thinking I had never been here, I immediately thought, “this looks familiar”! Sure enough, when I was camped near Boulder and the Hoover Dam about 18 months ago, I took a day trip here because I didn’t know if and when I would have a chance to see it. Here are the photos I took that day, if the weather improves, I’ll take a few new photos this time. It’s been windy and raining, not the best weather for getting out and about.

I’m boondocking in the desert for a couple days relaxing after two long days of driving to get north out of Yuma where the summer heat was starting to settle in. They are calling for 90 here in a couple days so I’ll continue my trek north soon. This is the view from my RV. the rainbow never fully formed. The rain clouds cleared overnight and the wind is expected to hit later today.