Driving north in to Lubbock on I-27, Cook’s Garage caught my eye with all of the gas station signs!

While in Lubbock, I visited the Buddy Holly Center (no photos allowed of his memorabilia), the Silent Wings Museum, and the American Windmill Museum. Be sure to check out the Lubbock video on my YouTube channel.

For more related content, see my YouTube video below!

2 Replies to “Lubbock Texas

  1. Tom Buckley

    Brings back memories. In my teens I worked at a couple Esso gas station in Virginia. On the back of their credit card were logo’s where the cards were honored. Esso, Exxon and the one I’d never seen was Enco, until now.

    Jimmie, I enjoyed going back in time seeing that collection of signs, many thanks.

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